Wednesday, January 26, 2011

For the Ladies

I've been sick all week and laying around doing pretty much nothing but sleep and try to eat. During this down time I thought of an article I read a while back. I don't remember where I read it, but it was very true. It talked about how as woman we naturally worry about everything and everyone else.

We worry about what all needs to get done, how much time we have or don't have to do it. Cooking, cleaning, animals, kids, husbands, boyfriends, parents, grandparents. All of those things are somewhere in our minds pretty much all day. What about ourselves? What do we really do for ourselves besides seek that time to chat with our etsy friends?

The article talked about how everyone woman has their favorite perfume that was probably a little more expensive than the others and we only wear it for special occasions. Do you have that? I do! and I didn't even realize that I did that until I read the article. Why not wear it everyday, or put it into rotation with the others? You know the feeling when you're getting ready for a night out and you look in the mirror at how great you look and you're happy and finish off your outfit with your favorite accessories and perfume. Why limit yourself to feeling like that on that one day you get a month to go out? Why can't everyday be like that?

After all we bought those cute shoes to be worn. Now they sit in the closet waiting for that one day to be worn. Where them! This goes for a lot of things, favorite shoes, purse, bra, whatever it may be. It feels good to use these items that we set aside for special days. Why not make more special days?

I don't do a whole lot for myself either. I'm always doing things for other people or my etsy shop or the animals. And I thought why not? I don't think it's selfish to want to take care of ourselves. So one day I was painting and figured I would list it for sale in my etsy shop and I really liked the painting. It was something I secretly hoped would expire because no one would buy it and then I would keep it. I painted it because I wanted it in a way. I decided I'm going to keep it for myself. The one thing I've made for myself in over a year, and it felt good to do it for me.

So I challenge all of you to make something for yourself this week. Even if it's a dinner you know everyone will hate. Who cares, you deserve to do things for yourself. Make yourself a scarf, a piece of jewelry. What ever it may be, do it for you. Trust me, you will get a lot of satisfaction from doing something for yourself instead of constantly for others.

This is the painting I did and decided I would keep for myself. And it felt nice to hang it on the wall and know that I did it for me and it's not going anywhere.


  1. i know exactly what you mean angela!
    i always buy the name brand shoes on sale... then i return them because i feel bad for buying them...

    the painting is amazing! im glad you kept it for yourself... i all need to keep some of our art!

  2. You make some great points here, I need to think about changing some things.

    I love the colors in your painting!

  3. Great post, I have the perfume, the shoes, the dress, ... Perfectly understand...
    Your paint is beautiful.

  4. I LOVE this topic, Angela!

    Angela says:
    "So I challenge all of you to make something for yourself this week."

    . . . You don't have to ask me twice!!!

  5. I am going now... do something for myself...

  6. I must do something! YES! YES! YES!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. beautiful painting!

    I will try to do something for myself!

  8. I think as women we all feel guilty when we do something for ourself or buy something for is time we changed that.

  9. so true angela and everyone else!! .. I definitely need to work on it and do something for me-self :)

  10. So very true Angela! More woman need to spoil themselves a little more every now and then!

  11. SO TRUE! I have a bottle of perfume I only use on Sundays and special occasions. LOL!

    And what a GORGEOUS painting!

  12. Gorgeous painting! Now paint some more of those and make LOTS of money for yourself! It is one of your best!

  13. True, so true. Why are we always last in line for ourselves? Good reminder. Love yourselves, ladies and be kind to yourselves.

  14. Reminds me to think more highly of myself!!!

  15. This is so true, I don't think we even realize that we do it either.....

  16. What a nice reminder to take care of yourself sometimes. Thanks.

  17. Very real and personal, angela, and you're right. I actually want to keep many of the jewelry in my shop and I tell myself I'll make another one for me sometime, but I don't because I feel like it's not a good use of my time to make it for me. I guess it's time to get started. I hope you get well soon if you haven't already, and make that hubby of yours buy you a chocolate cake :)

  18. Great post, angela. I need to do that too. Make something just for me. Or take something I've made and wear it for me.

  19. I LOVE this idea Angela!! I think most of us don't take good care of ourselves.
    And I have NOT kept a piece of my jewelry in years! My mom always yells keep it for yourself and I never do.
    I think we should all follow up next week on our blogs with what we did this week for ourselves!!!!
    Very inpiring post!

  20. yay for more special days !
    lovely painting- I don't keep many of my own creations but you are right, I should make something for Me :0)
